U.K. based cyber Security Company NCC Group said: “An attacker can falsely indicate the proximity of Bluetooth LE (BLE) devices to one another through the use of a relay attack. This may enable unauthorized access to devices in BLE-based proximity authentication systems.” There is weaknesses and lope holes in the current implementation of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. This wireless technology is used for authenticating Bluetooth devices which are present in the close range. The Bluetooth is less security equipped and cyber criminals have used this weakness and have succeeded in attacking using Bluetooth. The Bluetooth relay attack is like an in-between party in the middle of the attacks in which the opponent catches communication between two people where one is the attacker and then without any manipulation the adversary spreads the communication to the target. The security company mentioned above told that many measures of latency bounding, triangular-based localization techniques and link layer encryption have been implemented to prevent the cyber-attacks but this new relay attack has bypassed all the measures. To lessen such new ways of crimes and relay attacks, there need to be implementation of additional next level checks to secure the smart locks and car locks and other essential data. After the report of such cybercrime, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) accepted that the relay attacks are biggest known risks at the moment. The standard body is working currently to device new accurate ranging mechanism to curb the breaches. Also Read: Nintendo ‘Bluetooth Audio’ feature is finally rolling out