PTA has joined hands with the stakeholders, national and international companies, and Telecom operators at the Connected Pakistan forum to reduce the gender gap in Pakistan. This step will be taken forward by taking initiatives in affordability, accessibility and providing the digital skills. Dr. Sania Nishtar, special assistant to prime minister on Social protection and Poverty Alleviation, graced the occasion. Apart from her, many others attended the ceremony including parliamentarians, Federal secretary for IT, Chairmain PTA, members of authority, Special Communication Organization (SCO), CEOs and representatives of telecom companies including Jazz, Telenor, Ufone, PTCL, Huwaei Pakistan. Members from international companies and civil society also attended the occasion. The main agenda that is focused on in the meeting is to reshape the digital future and increasing gender inculcation in ICTs. Moreover, it was also discussed in the meeting how to empower women in Pakistan. The strategy has been discussed in the event how different companies and people having authority will take steps at their corporate level to leverage the digital service and empower the women. All guests gave their ideas and how their organization will make the government’s dream of Digital Pakistan come true. Ehsaas program is also taking great initiatives to women enablement and digital success. PTA is committed to ensuring accessibility to all and women participation in tech world. It is trying to reduce digital gender discrimination. The digital operators also told in the event that they have programs in place to attain the objectives. These programs will improve the accessibility of IT to all and also will empower women by reducing gender gap. Women will get financial and health enhancing services through mobile broadband. GSMA’s Mobile Internet Skills Training Toolkit (MISTT) ensured teaching of IT skills in Urdu language to women so that all women can excel and success in IT sector. In this era of increased digital financial services, it is a great proactive step taken by PTA to increase digital connectivity and bring such changes in the digital services to bring the women to the platform so that they can become part of the economy. Also Read: Connecting the Unconnected-Mobile Phone Gender Gap in Digital Society