By adding the user’s age, the system will generate different privacy settings or will be providing information for staying safe online. However, there is also a rumour that birthday will be hidden from other users. Users have to be at least 13 years old to join Instagram.

Now Users will have to Provide Birthdays to Instagram

Till now users were never asked about their birthday while joining the app. Moreover, the company is also thinking to block messages from people they don’t follow. It is also thinking of giving business and creator’s accounts to restrict outsiders from commenting. The company also revealed that it will not verify birthday but it believes that people will be honest while adding their birthdays. Furthermore, the app will also rely on artificial intelligence in order to determine the real birthday. The app is using machine learning software to predict user’s ages and genders. So Instagram will by wishing users Happy Birthday by estimating user’s ages. Instagram is the best platforms however it has turned to bully particularly in teens which need to be stopped. By adding age, teens will also not be able to see alcohol ads or other ads which are not suitable for their ages. Also Read: Instagram: No More Fake Influencers with this Feature