Usman Mukhtar Becomes the Digital Ambassador of SCO

The association kicked off today with a contract signing ceremony at HQ SCO. Maj Gen Ali Farhan, HI (M) DG SCO and other officials of SCO were present on the occasion. Maj Gen Ali Farhan, HI (M) DG SCO said, In order to keep the audience intact and to form a bond between the subscribers and the company, SCO moved forward towards onboarding a Digital Ambassador.  SCO has a significant digital standing and manages to strike the set target audience. The social media for SCO consists of an active and engaging Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube Channel. SCO has lately introduced Smart TV, S-Paisa (Branchless Banking) and Social Media packages to help with the growing customer demand by ensuring the best internet experience for everyone. With this association, SCO intends to connect with forward-looking, modern youth segment and extend its market presence.

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