WhatsApp Will not WorK on These Devices From Next Year

The users having windows phone will not be able to use this social media app after December 31. iPhone users running on iOs 8 or older will not be supported by the app after February , 2020. During the same time period, the aNdroid users runniNg versions 2.3.7 or older will also be blocked. These horrific details were revealed in the blog by WhatsApp. In the blog post, company revealed: “Users of these OS are already unable to create new WhatsApp accounts or re-verify existing accounts” This is actually not a good news however if you are one of those people whose device is falling in the list, should save their data and go for newer device. For further details, one can read the whole blog post published by the company. Also Read: WhatsApp Dark Mode Secretly Available Via BUG