Home offices should be well equipped and streamlined for distraction free productivity. As we know that technology is transforming the way we work from anywhere in the world, play and communicate with others.  To build a well-rounded and organized list of what you need in your home office, use this checklist. Check the things you really need, and circle the things you might want to add to create a prioritized list of important items for your home office. 

Better Internet Connectivity  

The days of working with a dial-up link are long overdue. A broadband connection is key to working effectively online. OfCourse, your work productivity depends largely on the internet or its coverage. We usually have a basic data package in our homes just to roll out to social media and Netflix streaming. Whereas, offices are usually highly equipped with cloud and 4G data services for smooth and hassle-free work.   In this difficult time of Pandemic where people are working from home, governments have assured its public for a better connectivity service. For this, cellular network and broadband companies have come together to provide the best of its services to perform official tasks in efficient home office.  

A Laptop 

For home office usage, laptop computers are often preferred as they allow work to be done from more than one static home location. They can be moved from desk to desk, from office to porch and, if necessary, even on the road. Laptops use far less power than desktops, and you will see a reduction in power usage almost immediately. Even better, most modern laptops are comparable in capacity, memory and speed to desktops. 

Hard drive 

If you trust some of the data on your computer, somewhere or other you need to keep it backed up. If you have a ton of data to protect (images, spreadsheets, business plans, programming code, emails, etc.) you’ll want an external hard drive that’s really reliable. Saving duplicates of your files on an external drive saves you untold misery in case your main machine is missing or otherwise fails.  

Power Backup 

A UPS provides backup power for a short amount of time in case your energy goes out as UPS will give you valuable buffer time to save your job and shut down your equipment safely. 

Phone Service 

Just as Internet access is essential to for virtual job at home, so is your phone service. While this may not be as relevant, email and voice messaging services such as Skype still make it necessary to have phone service.  

Lap Desk 

When you live in an apartment, you may not have a spare desk to fit in. Despite not really having the space, you can still find it helpful to carve out a small spot which is reserved for work only. You can shop lap desk for your home office so that you lap won’t get tired and treat your friendly.  

Working Time  

Make every day a clear time for work, and stick to it. Differentiating between work and home when the two are the same can get confusing. Nonetheless, it will improve your productivity to ensure you build a workday for yourself. If you’re not a 9-5 type of guy, that’s cool, but you have to make a particular period in which you’re just going to do work.   


It can be convenient to work from home and it will save you a lot of money on travel costs. It might start paying less than you had expected, though. Most at-home employees are self-employed, which means they are responsible for all the costs of running their company. Some, like freelance writers, may be feeling the initial frustration with paying per word price. But once you’ve defined yourself, you’ll get better with the time.