The company had previously warned that this sort of material would no longer be viable for inclusion in its dedicated YouTube Kids app, but beginning next month, YouTube will also begin to enforce new monetization policies, which may affect the creators’ eligibility for, or removal from, the YouTube Partner Program. RELATED: How to download Youtube Videos on Desktop and mobile The change is part of Google’s recent drive to make YouTube and YouTube Kids more suitable destinations for children and their families. The business announced the availability of additional parental controls for kids and teenagers at the start of the year. It just adopted additional safety procedures to protect children across all of its platforms. At the time, YouTube said that it will change the default settings on videos for viewers aged 13 to 17 to private, allowing them to “take a break” and serve as bedtime reminders for minors. This would also put an end to the use of “interests” data to target adverts to teenagers and children, among other things. By ‘Low Quality’ means that content which promotes negative behaviour and attitudes (such as bullying, dishonesty, disrespect for others, dangerous pranks, unhealthy eating habits, and more); misleadingly educational content; content that hinders knowledge; sensational or misleading content; and content that makes strange use of children’s characters. Take Away It may take some time for the new YouTube policy to improve the quality of content. So it’s not a bad idea to keep an eye on what your children are watching.